
What’s Your Investment in Questions and Answers I’ve been thinking about questions and answers. We ask questions because we need an answer or because we’re curious. And seldom do we ask anything without being invested in what the answer is going to be. And as soon as you’ve invested in one direction or another, everything…

Let’s Talk

I’d love to hear from you about what you want and need out of this show. What’s working for you? What would like to hear more of? What’s the most interesting and what might need to change? Drop a comment or email me at and let me know.    

Overheard on relationships, homework, and being gorgeous just as you are

Enjoy this second episode and get a preview of “Gorgeous Just As I Am,” my latest bid in bringing joy, happiness, and beauty to the people I see. We’re all beautiful in our own way. But wow do we get bombarded with messaging that we aren’t enough, we don’t have enough, and we don’t do…

Create Your Success: How to identify what skills/talents bring you joy

Here’s the latest episode in the Create Your Success series. We can run from one activity or job to another. We do the work but feel unsatisfied. And that’s not going to work long term. You either need to find what you like about what you’re doing or you need to start doing things you…