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Voice-to-Text, a primer

I love Voice-to-text (V-t-T). As the technology improves, conducting business via V-t-T becomes  easier and more accessible. Business and communication become more portable and that creates more flexibility in how and where we manage our affairs. For example, I can now write emails and texts while walking my dog. I can give quick answers to…

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My Faux Pas transformed into a Faux Pie: Say what you mean with the appropriate flavor

I can no longer leave voicemails without adding in the Voice-to-Text commands that make words into sentences. I just left a voicemail that went like this: “Hi [period]. This is Izolda [period]. I had a couple of questions for you [period]. Can you give me a call when you get a chance [comma], please ?…

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Speak Your Words, part 1 – Bring Your Written Work to Audible Life!

In addition to narrating and voicing products for NASA, the National Geographic Society, and others, I have recorded a few audiobooks in the past few months. This has prompted me to ponder why any author would want to read his or her work out loud and how they would approach such a project.What vocal, acting,…

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The "Moonlighting" Curse Doesn't Have To Be One.

In my writing life, I’m constantly analyzing what I read and watch for technique, style, production, storytelling, and quality. I view all of it with a critiquing eye. I want the story to compel me. I want to love the characters and relate to them (whether or not they are villains or heroes). I want…

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Be the Change You Want to See In Yourself

A friend posted the following quote, and I wrote the below in reaction.–quote–“Perhaps the source of your discontent lies in your attachment to how things should be instead of accepting how things are.” –my response–On many levels, I agree (that whole “be zen and accept where you are thing,” yeah, that would be cool). On…

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Tongue-Tied Up on a Word? Use Tongue Twisters.

For my voiceover/narration friends and singing students who follow me here:  A colleague asked a question about how to pronounce certain words when saying them comes out sounding wrong. In this case, it was “protests.” Here’s my answer. It might be helpful to others of you as well. “First, you need to do some practicing…

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Learning to Sing – Confidence and the Callous Word

This is why I teach people to sing. On Monday, I started teaching the first of the singing class series at Howard Community College. As part of the intro, I ask the students to tell me their names and their singing history. One of the students, an older lady (I’d say early 70s easily) told…