Simple Best practices
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: they really say at all. In business, in life, and our professional and personal relationships, I think that’s the way to go.
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: they really say at all. In business, in life, and our professional and personal relationships, I think that’s the way to go.
Today’s Show Up! Power words: you’ve got this. If you “suddenly” level up, if you’re playing in a new league, it might be jarring. But you have to remember you worked for this. No progress is sudden. You planned. You acted. You did things to get you to this point. Sure, the stakes are higher,…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: so many people talk about gratitude to their families for their success. But what if your family wasn’t supportive? What if instead of being supportive, they were abusive? What if your daily life brought vicious emotional or physical attacks from the very people you were supposed to be…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: these are it. After meditating and writing about the idea of success, these are what I came up with. First, we must breathe and breathe deeply. Accessing our breath allows us to build and extend our patience not to mention oxygenating our blood and maintaining all our systems. Remember,…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I’m not trying to be flippant. It’s really the way I feel today. At last night’s Hood College “Tell Better Stories,” workshop, a number of the students were concerned about having to make peace with doing jobs they disliked. And I said, “I realize that there are economic concerns….
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: that old saying, “laughter is the best medicine,” holds true for me this morning. I woke up stressed about the workshop I am facilitating this evening. And when I came down to feed and water the kitties, my cat treated me to his silly method of drinking water. He…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. Actually, it’s only one power word. The word is, “yes.” Do you have an idea? Say yes to it. Do you want to try something? Say yes. Do you want to do something new, be someone new, try something new? Say yes. Throwing ourselves into the attempt is how…
Today’s Show Up! Journal power words:I have scent allergies. So, I am particularly sensitive to and aware of my breath. If I breathe in something harmful, I get immediate feedback. But, it’s not like I can stop breathing. 🙂 We all have to breathe. And the deeper we breathe, the more air we take in,…
Today’s Show Up Journal power words: there’s really not much else to say about it. You are fantastic. You are amazing. You’re incredible. Now go and do.
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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