The Importance of Symbols To Your Success
In today’s show, I explore the importance of symbols in our daily lives.
Beat Overwhelm with these two steps
Listen to today’s show for te two steps I use to beat overwhelm and get my stuff done.
What does it mean when someone “ghosts” you and what you can do about it.
A good friend of mine asked these questions the other day. “How do you feel about ghosting? What does it mean to you and what should you do about it?” It got me thinking about what it might mean and why it happens. This episode delves into these ideas and will give you some strategies…
Ryan Hayashi – Martial Artist, Speaker, Magician
Ryan Hayashi is a modern-day samurai. He was born in Canada and now lives in Mannheim, Germany where he lectures at the University of Mannheim. He began the study of martial arts at the age of nine and is martial arts sensei, or teacher, today. He also spent time living and training in Tokyo, Japan….
What I do that helps me teach others and pass on what I know
Enjoy this encore episode. New eps return May 29th.
Improve your creative output with these three steps
Enjoy this encore episode. New eps return May 29th
The one thing I do before any public speaking event
Enjoy this encore episode. New eps return May 29th.